How to Make Legacy Systems More Sustainable


Legacy systems, defined as older software or hardware that continues to be used because it still performs necessary functions, can pose a challenge when it comes to digital sustainability. These systems may be energy-inefficient, difficult to maintain or upgrade, and may not meet modern security standards. However, with the right approach and tools, it is possible to make legacy systems more sustainable.

One way to make legacy systems more sustainable is to identify areas for improvement and prioritize upgrades that will have the most significant impact. For example, upgrading hardware to more energy-efficient models can significantly reduce energy consumption and associated carbon emissions. Similarly, migrating to newer software platforms can improve security and support more modern development practices.

However, upgrading legacy systems can be a complex and costly process, which is why many organizations hesitate to undertake such initiatives. This is where Valtira can help. Valtira is a digital transformation company that specializes in helping organizations modernize their legacy systems while minimizing risk and cost.

Valtira has a unique approach to legacy system modernization that involves leveraging existing systems and data to create new, cloud-native applications. This approach allows organizations to maintain the functionality of their legacy systems while also taking advantage of modern cloud technologies and development practices.

Valtira’s approach to modernizing legacy systems involves several key steps:

  • Discovery and Assessment: Valtira begins by conducting a thorough assessment of the legacy systems and identifying areas for improvement. This may involve analyzing the codebase, data architecture, and business processes that the legacy system supports.
  • Roadmap Creation: Based on the assessment, Valtira works with the organization to create a roadmap for modernizing the legacy system. This roadmap outlines the steps that will be taken to upgrade the system, the timeline for these steps, and the expected outcomes.
  • Incremental Modernization: Valtira takes an incremental approach to modernizing legacy systems, which means that upgrades are done in stages rather than all at once. This approach minimizes disruption to the organization’s operations and reduces the risk of errors or system downtime.
  • Cloud-Native Development: Valtira develops cloud-native applications that can be easily integrated with the existing legacy systems. These applications are designed to be scalable, secure, and easy to maintain, ensuring that the organization can continue to use them for years to come.
  • Ongoing Support: Valtira provides ongoing support for the modernized systems, ensuring that they continue to meet the organization’s needs and stay up to date with the latest technologies and best practices.

By following this approach, Valtira can help organizations modernize their legacy systems in a way that is sustainable, cost-effective, and minimizes risk. This approach also helps organizations take advantage of the benefits of cloud technologies, such as scalability, flexibility, and improved security.

In addition to its unique approach to legacy system modernization, Valtira also has a strong commitment to digital sustainability. Valtira recognizes that the technology industry has a significant impact on the environment, and is committed to reducing its own carbon footprint and helping its clients do the same.

Valtira’s commitment to digital sustainability is reflected in several key initiatives, including:

  • Green Hosting: Valtira uses hosting providers that prioritize renewable energy sources and energy-efficient data centers. This ensures that Valtira’s systems have a minimal environmental impact.
  • Remote Work: Valtira has a remote-first work culture, which reduces the need for employees to commute to an office. This reduces Valtira’s carbon footprint and supports a healthier work-life balance for employees.
  • Sustainable Development: Valtira incorporates sustainable development practices into its software development processes, such as using open-source software and minimizing unnecessary resource consumption.

In conclusion, legacy systems can pose a challenge when it comes to digital sustainability, but with the help of the right partner, the process can become manageable and help you make meaningful changes over time. Reach out to the Valtira team of experts to learn more.

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