The pandemic, remote work structure, and business unknowns have caused many Americans to pause and assess what they want to do in the future. You see it every time you login to LinkedIn – update after update of people announcing their job or career change. It’s dizzying.
This workforce upheaval is also wreaking technical havoc on the companies attempting to retain talent especially as it relates to the maintenance and support of their most vital technical infrastructure components.
Why The Upheaval?
A recent Gallup Poll identified that 48% of the American workforce is actively looking to change jobs. The three most common reasons Gallup found employees to be disengaged at work were:
1. Not seeing opportunities for development
2. Not feeling connected to the company’s purpose
3. Not having strong relationships at work
The pandemic and remote work definitely impacted businesses greatly – some industries more than others. You may have noticed some hospitality businesses including restaurants and coffee shops are reducing their hours due to a lack of staffing.
Your Strategy Cannot Wait
Your business strategy and operational needs cannot take a pause while waiting for your workforce to stabilize. How do you meet your strategic goals with the upheaval that is currently happening?
Hiring new staff or replacing departing employees takes time. According to Focus Global Talent Solutions, an average Software Engineer role is open for 64 days. That is almost double the time it took to hire a software engineer in 2016, as per a study by Glassdoor. And that time is only increasing with the staffing situation in late 2021. This does not take into account the onboarding and training time required to make the employee productive — which can take months.
What… And Why?
As your business team is contending with an ever-changing market, your technology team strives to keep your systems operational and improve your technology platforms — while potentially experiencing an exodus of technical expertise and talent. How do you maintain the momentum of your strategic initiatives when technical resources that drive your business are under increasing flux?
Valtira can help. We work with our clients to bring to life your vision for 2022 and beyond. We start with your goals (and maybe a back of napkin plan) and ask the tough questions. Not only what do you want to build – but more importantly why do you want to build it? Through a series of discovery sessions, we develop a strategic roadmap and then drive rapid iterations to ensure the right solution is built.
Technology – Methodology – Resources
To accomplish this, Valtira leverages the latest technology with an iterative approach built by an experienced cloud/software development team. Together, we learn what will most positively impact your business with the new solution you envision.
We have built a team of professionals who span across the entire spectrum of what is needed to design, develop, deploy and maintain a scalable software solution. The Venn diagram below shows how we combine the latest in Cloud Technology with New Product Development Methodology rounding it out with a comprehensive group of individuals that can deploy and support the end product including DevOps and Testing.

Iterate … and Iterate Again
Along the way, we iterate together and make your vision come to life while you continue to focus your resources on running your business. With this approach, we have successfully delivered solutions for leading insurance providers, real estate firms, hospitality organizations, entertainment services, and more. Some for more than a decade. The results? Accelerated development, increased adoption, and mitigated technology risks.
And we don’t stop there. We develop a plan to make the solution scalable, supportable, upgradeable, and efficient with our proven DevOps approach to ensure success. We look forward to working with our clients to enable their 2022 vision and partner to make it a reality.