2023 – Our third year as a carbon neutral business



We began our carbon neutral journey in 2021, setting out to do our bit for the global climate challenge. Since then we have reduced our carbon footprint by 70% (principally through the elimination of office space and commuting costs, but also through company incentives to adopt solar powered home electricity and electric vehicles). We also purchased carbon offsets with Pachama to take us to a negative carbon footprint. Yes, we know carbon offsets are not perfect, but they are a good step in the right direction and Pachama does a solid job of reporting.

In previous years we have supported Central Kalimantan Peatlands and NIHT Topaiyo.  This year we chose to purchase offsets through the Borneo Peatlands project. Borneo Peatlands is one of the largest peat swamps remaining in Indonesia and can hold up to 20 times more carbon than the average forest. The land is at risk for illegal deforestation and conversion to an industrial acacia plantation company for commercial exploitation.

The Borneo Peatlands project was created by Pachama, which uses artificial intelligence to bring investments into nature.

Valtira carbon output and offsets for 2023

We analyzed our carbon footprint including direct and indirect metric tons (Mt) of CO2 emissions, determining the offset purchase needed to become carbon neutral.

Scope 1: Direct Emissions





0 Mt

0 Mt

0 Mt

Direct Emissions

Scope 2: Indirect Emissions – Owned

Purchased energy





46.5 Mt

46.5 Mt

93 Mt

Office electricity, heating, & cooling

Scope 3: Indirect Emissions – Not Owned

Upstream activities





15 Mt

15 Mt

17 Mt

Purchased goods and services – production related (dev cloud, offshore home offices, SaaS tools)

1 Mt

1 Mt

1 Mt

Purchased goods and services – non-production related (SaaS tools)

20 Mt

20 Mt

29 Mt

Fuel and energy related activities not captured above (home offices)

3 Mt

3 Mt

2 Mt

Capital goods (laptops, monitors, phones)

Downstream activities

2 Mt

2 Mt

2 Mt

Use of sold products (cloud hosting)

87 Mt

87 Mt

145 Mt

Total Emissions


-200 Mt

-200 Mt

-200 Mt

Purchased carbon offsets

-113 Mt

-113 Mt

-55 Mt

Net carbon footprint

In 2024, we remain committed to making a positive impact on the environment while building creative and scalable solutions. If you would like to learn how to build environmentally sound solutions please reach out, we would love to chat.

Ready to get started or have questions?

We’d love to talk about how we can work together or help you to brainstorm your next project and see how we might help.

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